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Charlotte > Reviews > Arts & Entertainment > Kleeberg Salisbury Mall $2 Cinemas

Kleeberg Salisbury Mall $2 Cinemas


based on 2 reviews

1951 Statesville Boulevard
Salisbury, NC 28147


Category: Arts & Entertainment
Tags: movie theater

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Wheelchair Accessible: yes

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2 reviews for Kleeberg Salisbury Mall $2 Cinemas

Kleeberg Salisbury Mall $2 Cinemas
Reviewerinnc Send private message

Written: 1

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I have had many good experiences at this theater. Prices on snacks are very reasonable, for a theater. To "Upsetinnc", you are not giving a review of the theater, but of the idiots who chose to bring small children to a graphic movie. These are the kind of people who should not have children, but none-the-less, you still did not review what was asked.

Kleeberg Salisbury Mall $2 Cinemas
upsetinnc Send private message

Written: 1

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Have been a customer for several months of this business. Good service and movie's for the price. Unfortunately, I was disturbed last night when attending the showing of "Law Abiding Citizen" (rated R) when two guys walked in with what appeared to be a child around the age of 3-4 and another child around the age of 6. What was so upsetting was the movie began with a very graphic scene of a rape, murder then proceeded to an investigation which included very bloody scenes of murder and violence. There were a couple of nudity scenes, language (which I realize most children see and hear, not that I condone it at all) but these scenes where especially graphic. No child, age 12 and under should ever be allowed to watch something such as this. There was also a another boy that appeared to be around 12 who attended the viewing. I just can't believe that adults would take, and stay for the remainder a movie with this content.

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